This is a review I wrote about Max payne on xbox.
I originally posted it on another site about a year ago, but I figured I would post it here.
Action (third-person)
This is one thing that is very important in a game, because if you don't have a good story the player won't get enveloped in the game. This one did not disappoint. It had a deep back-story, it sucked you into it and you could feel bad for the main character. It's a noir story (with cut scenes set up like a comic book) about a cop that looses his family, and for the sake of spoilers I'll leave it at that.
The single most important thing about a video game.
It controls like a first person shooter so if you're use to that you'll do great, although you may find yourself wanting to take your little button filled friend and smash it into the floor at certain parts of the game that require extreme patience. But overall the controls are easy to learn and execute.
Explicit Content:
For an M rated title this one does not have much language. As far as sexual content, every once in a while you will see the outside of a strip club, posters of bikini clad women on many walls throughout the game and a few vibrating beds here and there but for the most part this game did not get it's M from sexual content or language. But the main reason it got it's M was from the violence and blood in the game, every person that you kill bleeds as well as a few parts that are not for the faint of heart.
Do not buy this game for it's graphics. The frame rate is good but the graphics are less than admirable.
New: 10.00 - 20.00. Used: 5.00
I would definitely recommend this title to any action or noir fan."